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Johnson Russell Stinnett

born July 22, 2022

This is Johnson's Journey

We found out we were expecting on December 6, 2021. I took a pregnancy test early in the morning before work when the power was out. I woke up Adam to tell him the power was out, and then threw the positive test at him. We were both so surprised. As most parents would be, we were nervous and excited at the plans that were ahead of us. We shared the news to our families shortly after on Christmas Day. 

On January 14, 2022 we attended our first ultrasound to confirm a viable pregnancy. There you were! A beautiful little “turtle” as the tech said. With a strong heart rate of 181, NoNo thought for sure that meant you’d be a girl. Our pregnancy continued with no hiccups. All signs showed a healthy pregnancy, and our baby was thriving. 

On March 5, 2022 we went to Baby Belly in Lexington to find out the gender at 16 weeks. You kept your little legs sitting criss crossed until finally you showed us you were a baby boy. We named you after your Papa John, “Johnson” and chose Russell as your middle name. Russell is Nono's maiden name, Uncle Dylan’s first name, and Uncle Nate’s middle name. Both names were so special to us. It was a strong name that we loved. 

Johnson Russell Stinnett 

On April 1, 2022 we had your 20 week ultrasound. They said you were perfect, and we couldn’t have agreed more. 

Months passed by and we began to get your nursery ready. You had an accent wall that was dark green, and your dad, uncles and grandpas helped to make the room perfect for you. 

On July 5, 2022 we had your growth ultrasound. Once again everything was perfect. You weighed 4lbs and 12oz. We shared ultrasound pictures with family, and they all said you favored Adam. 

On our 2 year anniversary, we went to our 35 week appointment. They checked your heart rate and it went from 155 to 160. We left thinking everything was okay. The next day would have been the last time I felt your little kicks. 

On July 20, I went to the hospital after not feeling any movement all day Wednesday. I tried to stay positive, and hoped it was nothing. The nurse couldn’t find your heartbeat using the fetal monitor and brought in the ultrasound. Dr. Hall came in, found you on the ultrasound and said the words, “I can’t find a heartbeat,” and our world came crashing down. He gave us our options, and we decided to go home. 

On Thursday we picked out a grave for you and a casket, and then went to the hospital to be induced. After 12 hours of labor we got to meet your sweet face. Johnson Russell Stinnett was born on July 22, 2022 at 11:48AM. You were 5lbs, 12oz and 19 inches long. The cord was wrapped around your neck. We spent the next hours memorizing every part of you, since we’d never be able to see you again on earth. 

On July 25, 2022 we laid you to rest in a bed we never could have imagined. We have spent everyday thinking about how our life would be so much better if you were here. One day we will know you the same way the angels do, Johnson. You are supposed to be here. 


Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Assist a bereaved family in their healing journey by making a donation today. 

Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep is a non-profit organization that offers the gift of pictures to families experiencing the death of an infant. They came and took pictures of our family while we were in the hospital; pictures that we will cherish forever. Please consider donating to NILMDTS to aid families who experience the same heartbreak as us.

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